"I have this lock pick from a special, as well as, a ring and this old cure potion, but I don't know how old it is." Ayron almost walked away, however his hand brushed the hilt of the sword. "There's one more thing, this sword, it fell from the top of the tower and you used to be a arms master or something like that right Kharmam? So I think this should go to the best. It has runes on it, but I'm still not too sure what it does." Ayron handed the sword to her and started working on her cuffs. He moved on in record time to Kharrn and then to Jo'ari, who wasn't doing well. They all admired their much lighter skin, except for Jo'ari who's fever is getting worse. Ayron pulled the bottle out of his shirt-pack and force fed the potion. "I guess we wait now, nothing to do, but pray."