Karia looked over as Arch displayed the faint mark on his wrist, something between a birthmark and a tattoo. She reached out softly and set her a few of her long fingers on his wrist. The image was unnerving and even Karl seemed disconcerted about it. “Yeah….that’s not weird or anything.” Karia ignored the voice and set her hand back into her lap. Just her luck the ghost that would save her life would be the chatty one; where was a silently broody type when you need one? “Oh, this exit.”Karia hadn’t realized how fast Arch had been driving but they had made really good time and now made their way off the interstate. “Oh by the way I live on a farm so…we are going to be going through some rough looking areas.” “Paddle faster I hear banjos.” It was this that for some reason struck Karia’s funny bone and she started laughing, managing to tell Arch what he said. “Oh he says he is fine also.” As they made their way down a dark road with tall trees lining it on either side Karia pointed out a small dirt road. “That is my place.” She pointed to the form of a building in the dark about half a mile from where they had turned off. “Don’t get out till I tell you…mom is a bit paranoid.” As they arrived Karia rolled the window down and yelled out. “Mom its me.” She waited then and heard the door open and her dog came running up. “Now we get out.”