An almost invisible shimmer reacted to the staff touching the fence, sending a surge of magical energy through the inanimate object, letting a spellcasting wielder know that there were more than a few magical wards in place should they decide to breach the perimeter. The alarm ward reacted perfectly to the sudden disturbance in energy, and started blaring with a remarkably high pitched noise, arousing not only the sleeping Reverin, but likely also a few undead in the nearby graveyard. The young mage stretched out and threw the intruder an annoyed look, unhappy to be disturbed from his slumber so soon. He inspected the tiefling woman with rapidly evaporating interest, questioning if she was right for the job. Common sense overruled the disinterest as he sensed the shift of magic around her. Clearly a mage. With barely a mouth gesture he shut up the yapping alarm ward and rose from his seat, walking over to the woman. "That I am. Pray tell, why would I hire you?" Reverin flatly stated as he mentally listed his memorized spells for the day and chose one of an elemental nature to test the woman's power. He flicked his hand, aiming behind the tiefling, and an elemental made out of solid rock, took shape there. "Could you defeat something as simple as that, for example?" he bade. The mental battle with the elemental took quite a bit out of the young mage, but he didn't show it. It was a powerful pet, and if she could so much as harm the construct, this girl might be worth risking the money for.