[@RomanAria] a very simple break down of the process that I [u]assume[/u] [@TheMaster99](praise his holy name) was referring too would go like this. [Click URL to /user/71342] ISSUE: Site searches username database for username with userid 71342, no result found. Return error. (This part you already know, as you've displayed quite well.) Solution: Structure a bit of code that says; [u]When[/u] searching for userid 71342, use 71342 as the username value, [u]else[/u](code for 'if that doesn't work') continue as it normally would. - At least this is how I understand it, I am by no means a programmer, but I used to structure small electrical circuits and chip boards as a hobby, and a lot of the logic gates used in said hobby are also used as very basic program functions(OR, XOR, AND, ect. ect.). If you know binary and are interested in some neat, conceptual foundations for circuits and programming, look up 'Boolean Gates', it's an interesting topic to read about if you're curious as to how computers work as their most basic level. Additionally I could be making a complete fool of myself as I haven't touched code or circuits in a number of years(besides BBcode obviously) and am slightly rusty but I'm fairly confident what I've said is an accurate, generalized representation. Finally, [@RomanAria], HOW'D YOU KNOW THOSE FIGURES?! I've worked my entire life to cover that up! Tirelessly, I've changed wiki article after wiki article that would even insinuate such a thing! YOU ARE STUMBLING ONTO SOMETHING YOU AUGHT NOT TO STUMBLE ONTO! As for my hypocrisy, well, ahh, ma'am was a typo, I meant to type 'mam', which is a British informal noun that means: One's mother. ~ Wait, that would insinuate I was calling you my mother. I'll need to get back to you on that one... ... ...