In district 7 is a girls school that preaches about exotic abilities and its entry level is level 2. This school is Kirigaoka Girls Academy; it produces intelligent students and saints. Rumor has it that there is a blur protecting its students and staff from danger, it is unknown how the blur looks like whether it is a girl or a boy but what is known is that the blur is one of the seven mysteries of Kirigaoka Girls Academy. Now, our strongest team enters the territory of the girls school; Ria is disguised as Kaname her twin sister, Nobuyuki, Taiki and Marcus as well. They split up into partners to infiltrate the school and so far a lot of students are mistaking Ria as Kaname. Their goal is to get clues of the whereabouts of Nishihara Wendy however their leads aren't doing so well as the information about her was a dupe by Marcus rather half of it such as Ria dying in a day but it was indeed three days due to the serum that makes her wild. As time passes by in Kirigaoka the more time they spent, the more suspicion they get as rumor spreads about "Kaname" hanging out with a bunch of fools and being out of character. Meanwhile in the Mocha Dreams Raid, is a young boy who swoop into save the day with all his heart because it is the right thing to do, Mishima Yuuma puts his life on the line. He had a flashback about Ria informing Taiki about the disastrous invasion in the cafe due to Marcus showing a surveillance camera on his phone and revealing the game plan, Kaori is told to get Yuuma involved by Ria to which she doesn't have much of a choice as time is ticking for her. The game plan became; Team Ria infiltrates Kirigaoka, Yuuma rescues the hostages in the cafe while Kaori is for faster means of transportation. And now, Yuuma covered in metal scraps in his body rushes to the clowns to deliver justice. According to Ria's calculations there are three outcomes depending on the conditions and situations of Mocha Dreams and the hostages. Scenario A is believed to be successful if Yuuma manages to work with a Kishiko, Aria, and Kei. If it fails then Scenario B is when Kaori have to come and bail them out. If it doesn't work. Scenario C is when Ria have herself save everyone. However time is ticking, if she isn't able to save Wendy she will be killed this 6pm. Ria is forced to make decisions thoroughly but deep inside her she wants to save her classmates and if she doesn't save Wendy or both, she will be in big trouble. "Let everyone go or else. I'll bring you the steel fist of my hand you clowns." Yuuma said with confidence. In Kirigaoka, Ria's plan seems to be backfiring at her when she herself becomes a hypocrite of her plans and not following it, she is booksmart but not smart enough the fact that she made ice clones scattered which likely spread the rumors.