"Stay?" He asked the air after she'd left, softly pondering. Then he looked to Grint curiously, in silence. Once or twice he looked over to the outpost. Then he shook his head. "You can't eat them, they were our comrades, Grint. It's called manners. We must leave now." Without asking again, Joachim turned and followed the path of the female ranger. He used his walking stick heavily, his blackened arm hanging at his other side. After some thought, Grint reluctantly followed him. They moved as a pair rather than as a rider and mount, Grint walking at Joachim's heel, but they made good enough time. It was dark by the time they reached the water's edge. Whether the beach of a lake or an ocean, Joachim had little idea. The moons above reflected on the water, riches of silver and gold. He told Grint to track down Sef, and followed.