I hope its ok ^^' [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Kagamine.Mirrors.full.1213902.jpg[/img] (Left- Pretending to be a boy Right- What her actually appearance is) ~Stands at 4'4~ Willow Finch (Only the Captin knows her first name, the rest of the crew know her as Finch) 10 [s]Female[/s]Male (Only the Captin knows her real gender) Devils Rock Cabin boy She is excellent at climbing and she has very good balance. She is a hard worker and fill follow every order to the best of her ability. She is quick on her feet though she can be rather clumsy. Willow is respectful and follows every order given to the best of her abilities. She is very loyal and she is kind. She likes to help others and hates it when others are upset. Pirate A small dagger she keeps strapped around her waist. Willow had a poor upbringing. Her mother left when she was still a baby, leaving her to a drunk of a father. Willow was bascially treated like slave from the moment she could walk; used as a punching bag whenever her father wanted to relief his anger. This carried on until Willow turned 13. Tired of being abused she ran away and snuck aboard a ship. Unbeknowest to Willow however was that the ship she escaped on was a pirate ship. She was eventually found out but instead of throwing her overboard, the Captin took her under her wing and made her a cabin boy, keeping her gender secret from the other crew members. Willow was born mute and she is unable to read or write. She has scars all over her back and sides, scars that she keeps hidden.[/center]