Damn the kid was fast. Probably faster than anyone else Jake has seen in the ring. Ever. Jake had just missed with the kick as Tre’Yan jumped back. The distance was not far, but it gave the kid room to do whatever he wanted to. As Tre’Yan landed from his evasive move, so too did Jake’s right foot hit the canvas of the ring, simultaneously. Fully expecting to have to reset and chase down the boney fighter, Jake was mildly surprised that Tre’Yan chose to come back in swinging. Jake was in a good stance, even after the missed kick. His weight distributed between the feet, balanced. However he was not in a good position to strike a solid punch or kick to slow, deter or otherwise keep Tre’Yan away. Tre’Yan was moving in, his flashing right hand coiled to be released as a wicked right hook. Without thought, without hesitation training kicked in. Jake dropped his center of gravity and body mass, simply by dropping his hips down. As he did his right foot moved forward, splitting Tre’Yan’s legs. In the mind-numbingly fast movements of both men, the right hook slammed home into Jake’s left shoulder with tremendous force. That was going to hurt after the fight, when the adrenaline was gone. The power the kid possessed demanded respect. The leg splitting was a designed move, as the blow hit, so too did Jake’s knee, right into the mat. As he did so, his right shoulder slammed into the midsection of Tre’Yan, just above the belt line. Jake’s right hand swing around and behind the left knee of the smaller opponent. The move in effect loaded Tre’Yan’s body onto Jake’s right shoulder. His left hand swung behind the right knee as his left leg was slipped around and behind the right buttock whilst his head, fully under the right hand and arm, driving tightly against the bony right hip. Now cutting with his arms, pressing against Tre’Yan’s legs he scooped up the smaller man and took him down. Could Tre’Yan avoid it? Not likely as the entire defensive double-leg take down was precipitated by the bony boxer’s action. Lifting slightly the taller and heavier man drove the small man onto his back. Putting Jake in a side control position where his body was on smaller boxers left side, and his body pressed against Tre’Yan’s chest.. They were on the ground now, probably not the best place for Tre’Yan to be. It would not be difficult to assume a more advantageous position against the smaller man, who had little to no command of any kind of ground fighting. This is where Jake thrived. While his left shoulder still stung, he would suffer the pain later. Tre’Yan was about to be introduced to the deadly world of Brazilian Ju-Jitsu.