Torrential shrugged a little bit. "I guess things must appear a bit a lot different when you are apart of the system rather then outside of it. I've never really had the benefit of being apart of such a thing myself." Taking a deep breath, Torrential felt much more like himself. All he had needed was a bit of a rest it would seem. Now all he needed to focus on was the future and how his companions were going to fit into it. "I wonder where our spunky little spitfire has gone? It feels like she has been away for months now and I need to discuss something with the both of you..." Considering how to locate and inform Snow Tail that he wished for her to come back so he could talk with her, Torrential grinned wickedly as the spark of trickster creativity came to him. Letting his horn glow for a moment, Torrential's grinned seemed to glow as a small raincloud just big enough for a full grown winged mare to ride on formed itself 'randomly' about ten meters above the ground along a 'random' spot near the lake before releasing a short, sharp burst of icy cold rain. "That ought to get her attention." Torrential offered aloud before turning to Dancer and leaning in to entrust her with a close secret of his with a playful air. "Don't tell anyone but there is something about making a mare flustered and wet that appeals to me deeply. You would not believe how much self control I needed to use not to drench the both of you completely while you were wearing those dresses. But I held back because it didn't seem like the right time and I suspected that you might not have enjoyed such attention from me..."