Yey. [hider=Valerius] Character Sheet [b]Name[/b]: Valerius [b]Date of Birth (& age)[/b]: January 25th, aged 25 [b]Place of Birth[/b]: Earth [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Height[/b]: [b]Weight[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: Drawiiinnngggggg (eventually) [b]Personality[/b]: Incompetent, absolutely, is what most think about him, but they still rely on him, simply because he's incredibly good at getting a job done even though he's such a good for nothing. He's driven more by the morality behind things to act, doing what is right, it's strange coming from someone who was once a space pirate, but that's how he was taught. Space pirate captain guy was a good guy. As a result he's kind of snarky and a little petty, he'll do some pretty dastardly things from time to time. [b]Likes[/b]: Sweet foods, and junk food, and food. He like food but usually sweets. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Ghosts (you can't hit ghosts) [b]Ambitions[/b]: None [b]Strengths[/b]: Close quarters combat he is said to be unmatched. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Skilled ranged fighters can give him a hard time. He's also kind of useless with any other weapon. [b]Fears[/b]: That ghosts may be real. [b]Interests[/b]: Finding the perfect confectionery. [b]History[/b]: Born on earth, then became a space pirate, then became a space mercenary for any job. That's a quick summary. The long one is he learned swordsmanship from the space pirates, the captain was a good man, but many years later he would die at the hands of government officials, whom he would later fight. Unfortunately as a result of his recklessness, he became the last of the crew to survive, and his twin red laser blades were destroyed. He didn't serve time as a criminal though, since he managed to escape, and settle down in a random part of space. He worked from then on in random jobs, avoiding criminal activity, as that would attract people of the government. He became low profile enough, until one day he was forced into being hired (or blackmailed) by the military. Some stuff happened and then he was thrown into cryosleep for some reason. [b]Romance[/b]: Maybe...? I dunno. [b]If so, sexual preference[/b]: Dude's straight as an arrow [b]Military Rank[/b]: None (auxiliary captain when he was hired by some forces) [b]If not military rank, what is your role on the ship[/b]: Captain [b]Combat Skills[/b]: - [b]Super fast learning capacity[/b]: Unique to him is his ability to learn incredibly fast during combat. He once was on a job to destroy a living weapon, and ended up out-learning it, allowing him to best it in combat. If he's not stronger than you when you fight him, he will be once he's done. - [b]Swordsmanship[/b]: He's learned countless different battle styles over his strange encounters over his travels and jobs, but he prefers twin blades. He's known to be able to use any kind of sword, since he's seen almost every single type so far. - [b]Insane Durability[/b]: He's managed to baffle almost every race he's come across because he's gotten up from the most ridiculous wounds and kept fighting. - [b]The Crimson Scourge[/b]: He had signature twin red laser blades when he was a space pirate. Those blades are now destroyed, ever since the end of the pirates he once commandeered. [/hider]