In the stories where vampires are told and shown. The vampires we know are a lot different as some would call it true vampires or as the reverse on how vampires are portrayed, the epic of the vampires varies but now as night falls in our team of Hybrid Academy students and Anti-Skill faces the threat. Nishihara Sayaka a relative of Kei is part of the Amakusa Church, she possesses unorthodox magic of onmyoji styles. Silva is also part of the Church and his abilities are unnatural. A few vampires out of the blue grabs Akira out of sight. The team panicked but Sayaka didn't falter although it is their duty to escort her to safety, she puts her life on the line. The vampire that grabbed Akira was a girl with black hair covering the right side of her eye. Now they are cornered. In the midst of worship lies the Nagaten students and hybrid academy students wondering about in the school campus of Nagatenjouki Academy. Note that this is an isolated event from the other two arcs. Afterwards Dylan and Ray are ordered by Toshiki beforehand as in prior going to the Nagaten, to go covert while everyone is asleep. Unfortunately they are being watched with someone and a flying bra and katana is thrown at them with such force. Kurenai is Ms. Kate so as Kendricks because he fanboys a lot for her, they are camping in the auditorium with other students. Two stories blackest night spreads the thickest shades in cold night of the full moon. Little by little does it false apart into place. A scream is heard in the hallways and it appears to be a student death by unnatural phenomena of having dots that resemble holes in her body and a symbol of the dark mage Haruna is drawn into her breasts. Allibi rising; some would even say weird things but the death of this girl remains a mystery and there is a mole as the culprit is within the academy. Glowing red eyes of doom watches afar from the bloodbath it had create, giving no care as it leaves a letter thus a few club halls exploded. The end.