As Rikive settled in the back of the van, she began to feel the first curl of exhaustion take over. She had an obscenely high amount of endurance, but after days of no sleeping, fighting and using her magic so heavily; she was ready to sleep for a few hours. So she did not go after the vampire, she would leave that to the others that had given chased, unless she was needed again. She ran her hands through her tangled chestnut brown hair, now darken with soot from the fire and ash from slain vampires. Likewise her skin was tinged dark with grime, hiding the flush of her skin except where a few beads of sweat had carved their path down her face. Her clothes were absolutely ruined, but she cared little about them. Though it did reinforce her desire to locate proper armor. She looked to the door when Parael suddenly jumped into the back of the van, as energetic as ever. As though he had not just died because he'd thrown a tantrum and stormed into the club without a solid strategy. "You," She growled at him, her hands clenching in fists. "Do you understand how incredibly stupid, reckless and dangerous that stunt of your's was!?" She yelled at him, raising her clenched hands slightly as though she was about to beat him for his idoicy. Instead she lunged at him, not to hit him, but to wrap her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Don't ever do that again." She said into his shoulder, her voice tight. As angry as she was that he had gone and made such a mess of everything, it was nothing compared to the relief she felt that he was still alive.