Name: Runa Fukada Age: 15 Gender: Female race: Human Rank: low class devil, reincarnated appearance:[img][/img] D cup, 1.60M personality: very kind and caring person, addictive personality, overly polite (in dutch 'U' is a very polite thing to say compared to 'jij' or 'je', normally you say this to someone you dont know and is older then you and such, but Runa would even say 'U' to little children and close friends), she is very daring and very sexually active, she speaks japanese and cant rid herself of saying some words in Japanese even now (even trough she is a devil, people seem to hear this still, but at least they can understand it), she also likes to teas. Evil piece: Bishop (supportive roles, boost magic) categorized: Wizard-support/ defense normal powers: all basic devil powers reported with Zeke magical energy and powers: she has a good amount of magical powers to start with, trough boosted by the evil piece, she is still learning devil magics, mostly household and healing based magics. Secret Gear: Leviathan Follower: this silver neckless with a sapphire gem in the center has been named after the current Leviathan-moue as it has the same ability's her family has, complete control of the water in the area, including moist in the air and water in plants, able to subtract and concentrate it into a mass of water. using the water while putting it in her aura wings gives them enough mass to allow her flight -revelations: only one: --Healing waters: she can use the water she has, if its clean water, to speed up the natural healing of others, its not very strong but it has proven its worth with a few critical wounded in the past, it can also lessen scars and clear out poisons and toxins -Balance Breaker: currently she has not learned of it [hider=My Hider] Leviathan's frost: changes the water control into ice shaping, able to freeze all most and waters, but only with a distance of 2 meters of Runa in order not to freeze the user, reason for this limit: the freezing effect is so outright powerful that if she would freeze something withing this 2 meter space, she will get partially frozen as well, it can freeze an entire house in a matter of 2 minutes. this is a power BB [/hider] -sub species: currently she has not created this effect: [hider=My Hider] due to the BB Leviathan Frost being so powerful and not fitting her style or taste she has focused the energy into a new SS BB: --Leviathan's Dragoon: freezing the most around her and on her she creates a dragon like ice armor, she can in this BB freeze only the most and waters close around her but she can control the ice she makes with this as she pleases, shooting it, making it turn during flight, scatter and even recollect, its all possible this is a Wizard-technique BB [/hider] equipment: med pack bio/ history: Runa was born in Japan, when she was 3 years old she moved to Holland with her parents all of a sudden, years later when she was 13, she learned the reason why. her father had at one point gotten money from the Yakuzu, but he did not had the means to pay them back so he took his family and fled. when she was 13 the Yakuzu had found her father and kidnapped the entire family, her father did not know what to do and ended up selling Runa in the hopes that the rest of her family could live. Runa was from this point on a Yakuzu slave, at first they wanted to use her as a sex slave but first had some other smaller yet more dangerous tasks. the first was to use her small body to break in into a gang building and place a bomb, yet she was found out, during this moment as she was afraid to get killed by the guy's in front of her she activated her gear for the first time, she was able to knock the attackers out, drop the bomb and made a ran for it. the Yakuzu found out of her power and started to use her for it. then she met Zeke, he had come to Japan for a small vacation but had accidentally bumped into a Yakuzu member, he lost the fight and took a hit out on him, Runa got send, using his aura sense he could quickly find out things as why she was there, how she feels about it, the worry she had about her parents, enough to make her doubt about what to do. Zeke came with a deal, she would leave with him, he will keep her save and also made sure her parents are free of this hell, she was free to visit them when she wanted but she would from that point on be a part of his team (as he had seen her gear) she agreed, he parents dept was paid off suddenly, she could visit them when she want but she never had the thought of leaving Zeke, not due to the deal but because he had saved her and done this much for her, she decided to stay with him until the end. others: she is a person that uses her water gear mostly for defensive ability's, it has been speculated that the gear could even evolve to control blood but Runa hates that part and refuges to go that far