[@PaulHaynek] [color=9e005d]"While, i didn't get into a fight, i was able to manipulate a servant for a short period of time. As to my abilities, to start off with that, i need to briefly explain my life to you. I was once touted as a warrior who could take on a thousand men. That is the old me, right now you're witnessing myself after i retired from my sword."[/color] she said, gesturing to the one in her hand on the table.[color=9e005d] "I will fight without drawing it, still leaving myself rather deadly. However, if the situation is dire enough, or you use a command seal to force me to do use it, i will unsheathe the blade. I cannot promise what will happen when i do, because i forced the madness into the blade. Said madness... you attatched to me with your summoning ritual. I can't really fault you on that because you had no clue what you were doing."[/color] she said to him, seeming rather calm and reserved compared to what she claimed her reputation was. [color=9e005d]"Now, i have already demonstrated my ability to observe my surroundings in great detail and perception. I can call forth horses, turn my drawn sword into a bow... I can call people into duels, also gain a few advantages due to other things i do." [/color] She said to him, giving a brief rundown.