"I'll have that drink." Groaned Cal looking over the team. "Alaska your jokes get worse ever time I see you." He said sitting up in the bed. Doctor would be having a fit but he was careful not to rip anything or open any old wounds. "So I'm assuming South got dragged off by the boys up top. Okay story time kids." He sighed looking between them all. "Were being tested, this is all a game. Rankings, Sims, missions. There trying to weed us out, the loyalists, weaklings, and honest. I guarantee it's all military grade bull." He said looking between them all. "We've all gotta think here, how much do we know about whose running the ship? What about the other teams? We need to look out for the strange goings on around here." He told them all this, he didn't want to spoil the party it needed to be said and the medical wing had no bugs to much sensitive equipment. "From now on we need to stick together, play the parts of good little soldiers but we take of each other. More than a squad we need to be like a family. I don't see all of us making it otherwise. From here on in we need trust each other completely." Cal told them, he spoke softly yet he looked at each of them ready to make good on everything he said. Cal had barely trusted the project from the start and his experiences so made him believe that come what ever it would bite them all in the ass. Better to say his thoughts now rather than later. He laughed and looked at Washington then Iowa. "However lets drink to celebrate, hell if someone can dig up a guitar I'll start taking requests." He chuckled looking Iowa for another shot.