[colour=khaki][h3]Ukatan University Louise's Dorm Room Louise and Akane[/h3][/colour] Louise felt the increased strain almost instantly and for a moment nearly faulted, which would have allowed her magecraft's to breakdown completely. Hafd that happened then in all likely hood they would both have died as they crashing down to earth. It was a good thing that her Servant was Archer, his Independent Action allowing him to exist even when cut off from her Prana, at least for a while. Which was good, because at the moment she was not entirely sure how much she had to spare. Enveloping another magi within two active fields was one thing but maintaining her speed at the same time was another matter altogether. Next time she pulled off something like this she would bring along the special the ointment. She grimaced in concentration as she pulled the broom up and away from the construction site, rapidly ascending to a height that even a Servant would have trouble pursuing them at. Unsurprisingly Akane seemed rightly baffled for a moment, having been literally swept off of her feet by Louise. Despite the obvious strain Louise grinned at her in a cheerful, confident manner as she looked down at the girl who clung to her body for dear life. Which was probably a good idea. If she pulled away or rejected Louise’s Prana then the two of them would probably find themselves on a one way ticket down to the ground. Besides, the way Akane clung onto her made the danger of the rescue completely worth it. Absolutely so! [colour=gold]“Yo,”[/colour] Louise replied simply but with obvious confidence, her grin melting into a concerned smile. [colour=gold]“I’d hold on tight if I were you, we’re not safe yet.”[/colour] But they soon would be. It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the University grounds, even with Louise reducing the speed once they were a safe distance from the fighting. As she had told her Servant she would she headed straight for her dorm room via the most direct route possible. The window. And still at some speed to boot. However just before they reached the pane of glass Louise finally pulled the broom to a stop, a quick burst of Prana bringing them to a stop. Louise reached out toward the glass and placed her hand lightly against the pane. A magic circle glowed in response to her dwindling Prana, causing the glass to open in a swirling motion as if composed of liquid mass. A simple enough trick for an alchemist, a mage who dabbled in the manipulation and alteration of material properties. [colour=gold]"Go on, it’s fine, I'm not going to hurt you. If I was going to hurt you I could have just dropped you a long time ago,”[/colour] Louise said in a matter of fact fashion as she motioned for Akane to climb inside. Louise would follow her, closing the window behind her, the glass once again solid and still. [@TwilightDragon]