Jackson frowned a little as he heard that they were going underwater, not really feeling comfortable taking off his jacket. It wasn't because he was insecure about his body or anything, he kept himself in good shape, but mostly it had to do with his scar. The scar would lead to questions, questions to flashbacks, flashbacks to pain, pain to suffering, suffering to a soft, depraved happiness. Anytime he went back to that moment in time, he could''t keep himself together, his defenses would crumble, and Apophsis would get out. It had happened twice before, and each of those times, someone had paid the ultimate price for his weakness. Jackson took off everything except his thermal long sleeve and underwear, which were just some regular boxers, and strapped the holster's for all of his knives to his waist. He took the silver blade out of his pocket and cleaned the blood from it on the grass, not going into any particular care to hide his doing so. Once he felt he was ready, he picked up the potion and chugged it, resisting the rug to spit it out, it tasted terrible. Once he felt the gills pop out, which was the weirdest fucking sensation ever and made him want to scratch his neck really bad, he waded into the water, shivering a little at the cold before the magic took effect. It as still cold, bearable so. He gave a wave to Maxwell and August as they stayed on land. "Later guys, wish us luck." With that down, he dove into the water, taking a test breath near the surface o see if t worked. Once he was sure that he wasn't drowning, he than began to swim over to wear everyone else was, the row boat, but stopped when he saw Daniel messing around up top. Swimming back up, he pooped his head out of the surface behind the guy, and gave him a tap on the shoulder. "Hey man, we've got to go down right now. Marvel at being Aquaman later, we've got a kid to find . . . though I must say that being part fish is the coolest thing ever, man, if only I had my hands on this stuff back home, it'd be awesome." Jackson smiled at the idea, considering asking Mary to whip him up some potion for his own personal use, since he doubted Kanoa would help him out, and to be honest, he didn't really want her help. He still thought that they were lacking info, or a general plan, but he decided he'd argued enough for now. He'd just to his best with the cards he'd been dealt, even if that had been a grand total of one. Once Daniel dived down, Jackson would follow, diving all the way down to were Kanoa was staying on some sunken rowboat, staring at the opening to the cave. A dark creepy cave with only one exit and who knows what inside. [i]I really hope I don't regret this.[/i]