Name: Ophelia Heart Age: 15 Gender: Female race: Human Rank: Low class devil, reincarnated appearance: [img][/img] personality: she is careful with who she trusts, use to had a lot of anger she could not get out, now she has calmed down a bit but still is used to holding her anger in, she can get some of it out by tennis trough, she also does not like to express her emotions Evil piece: Rook (increased defense and strength, also allows towering (switching the king and rook places) Categorized: not yet normal powers: all basic devil powers you can find at Zeke magical energy and powers: unknown at this point Secret Gear: Bracerock: 2 bracelets that allow limited control of the ground, for better control a conduct is needed (something that can channel the energy trough while slamming the ground, like a hammer) also by controlling some sand and sending it into the aura wings allows her to fly -revelations: she has not yet learned this [hider=My Hider] --Bracehammer: the bracelets detach them self of the user and mix to shape a large hammer for the user, giving a much better control then any other conduct can (as it can not break and deal some very heavy damage) [/hider] -Balance breaker: she has not learned this yet [hider=My Hider] this BB has a lot of features but has to unlock each one seperately. --Earth Core: innitially The gear shapes into either of two shaped depending on the state it was in before balance breaker was activated, during this state the gear's reach starts to effect gravity, able to effect gravity of the earth by hitting the ground with the first(s) and effecting gravity of objects and people by hitting them -if it activated during the bracelet mode it becomes a set of light gauntlets with open fingers and elbow: In this state it gives the user the advantage of using both hands to effect gravity but the gauntlets are much weaker and gives no offencive or defencive boosts -if activated during the hammer state it becomes a single heavy gauntlet that covers the entire lower arm, fingers and elbow and all: In this state it gives a single hand use but the guantlet itself gives defencive and offencive value due to being much sturdier and thicker armed. --next stages gives an increased control for the light gauntlers when controlling earth --Next stage increases the heavy gauntlets pure power when hitting the ground or an person/ object, giving more powerful effects with earth hits and more powerful fight effects --next stages gives an increased control for the light gauntlers to effect gravity at a distance such as throwing magic balls that can create a gravity based bomb or whirlwind or swiping the hands to create a small local wave or all round wave, all weak but enough to knock attackers off the user --Next stage allowes the single gauntlet to start pulling stuff in or effect airborn targets to pull them back to the ground --next stage allows the user to switch between the two states without having to exit BB and re-enter it while using the other state, saving stamina a lot, all by just slamming the users first against each other --its unknown if there are any other growths fitting this balance breaker side note: this balance breaker stamina during use is the same as using the normal gear, some of the light gauntlets close range distance uses and the heavy gauntlet basic slamming attacks may even cost less stamina then the basic gear functions, however activating the balance breaker cost a large amount limiting it to 2 activations a day at best (depending on the rest and other matters around it), this activation costs is by passed when it reaches the final currently known state (the switch ability) as the user wont have to deactivate and activate the balance breaker, though the switch also costs some stamina [/hider] -sub species unknown if it might ever reach a SS state equipment: a crystal hammer made by Moena bio/ history: her father was a drunken abusive man, her mother a cowardly egocentric woman, so she had quite the hard live, she however had at one point gotten an flyer from some unknown japanese girl. she had no idea why she accepted it but she did, at home she examined it finding some jumbo about being able to grant a wish and some faces with specializations and such on it, the back had nothing more then some kind of ritual like circle on it still she wanted out of this hell and tried it out, summoning Zeke he noticed that she had a secret gear and listened to her request, he gave her a few options, including a lot of money and a new place far away but also joining him as a new devil under his care, so she never had to worry about getting found by her dad and she would be stronger then humans she took the second , joining him, thinking no one would even mess with her again (sadly enough she has no idea yet how wrong that might be, but at least she was able defend and fight for her self now) however right after making her the group's rook noice started to come from below, Ophelia opened the door to see her mother crawling on the ground, her legs were missing and a voice came from calling for the devil scum, Zeke grabbed Ophelia at this moment realizing there was stray exorcist downstairs later Ophelia went with Moena to collect some things, what she found in the house was just plain terror, police had already came and cleared up the body, well body when regarding her mother, judging by the chalkline she died right after Zeke pulled Ophelia away, but downstairs stuff became truly a terror, blood was everywhere, chackline was mostly missing but a few pieces were found indicating how her father has been chopped up to little pieces. Ophelia stumbled at the sight and grabbed the drapes, hearing something fall, when she looked she found her fathers eyeball that had been stuck in the drapes, now laying on the ground, seemingly stairing at her. she did not get much time to react however as shortly after a spear of light broke though the door, the teleportation circle seemed to have drawn in the attention of a fallen angle, likely the one that supplied the exorcist his light weapons yet the two were saved when Zeke entered the picture having noticed that they had left and figured out where they went and knew the danger would still be there so he went to pick them up, he was able to talk the angle down giving Moena the chance to prepair a transportation circle in secret, right before the angel wanted to attack again they left though the circle, from there on Ophelia her new live started... others: has difficulties with using her evil piece correctly for some reason, she can use the heavy hammer but other things that should be a breeze with a rook are to heavy, also the defense seems to fluctuate at time (needs to be checked up)