["Fish"] || [Golden trout way (small street in which TCB lays)] The girl sat in the familiar position, knees hugged to her chest, chin rested on her hands, she stared a bit vacantly at the store parallel to her, well... It wasn't a "store" if you wanted to be particular, it was indeed a cafe, as well as a bakery... The girl stared into the windows, she seemed to be waiting for something, perhaps something ordinary, or, perhaps something [i]out[/i] of the ordinary... nonetheless she was waiting, she didn't move at all and didn't seem uncomfortable on the ground, in fact, she seemed quite used to the spot. For the first time in what seemed like quite a while, the girl moved, turning her head expectantly to the side, as if on cue a short and stout man exited the building the girl was leaning on, he had an apron and gloves on, with a large cleaver in his hand, he turned to see the girl there and sighed heavily "Come on now, Iv'e told you every day not to hang around here! There isn't much we can do for you, or you for us, and you scare away some of the more shy customers, come on get out of here!" The girl had waited for the man to finish speaking before she had stood up, and walked over absently to him, she stared at him for a short while, which made him obviously uncomfortable, and then slapped each of her hands to each of his plump cheeks, "Fish" she stated simply, the man sighed once again, "No, no fish, get out of here!" he raised his voice slightly and the girl tilted her head a tad bit, "Fish" she said a bit sadly before turning to walk away, the man, who I shall now mention is the local butcher, sighed and raised both his hands in frustration, this was a conversation they had far to often. The girl sauntered into the building across the street, she seemed used to this action just as well She walked to the counter, ignoring anyone she passed, and began waiting once more, another usual encounter was with the kindly old woman who worked at this bakery, she wold give away any extra bread crust to those who needed them, and apparently, this girl needed them quite often. The girl stood at the counter, anyone who was not used to this would think she was at the start of a line, and would file behind her, of course being the kind soul this girl was, she would not tell anyone otherwise, and let them wait until they gave up. or became angry enough.