August watched the others strip and leave their possessions near her. She barely even registered the scanty bodies in front of her, eyes glazed over as she stared at the shoreline quietly. Maxwell volunteered to stay behind with her. She stared at him for a moment before her eyes went back to the water. Kanoa spoke to her, but the red head again didn't take her eyes off the water. "If I get too close don’t hesitate to tell me to piss off, k? I'm not that easy to offend." The redhead still never broke her stare from the lake, but she nodded. "You've done enough already, I won't force you to come, August." Another nod, as the redhead calmed down, aware that no one seemed to want to push their luck and pull her towards the water or explore the matter further. She pulled her knees up to her chest, but remained staring at the water. Eventually, everyone was gone, slipping beneath the surface and it was quiet. Everyone was gone. Except for her and Maxwell. The boy was clearly uncomfortable, didn't need her powers to see that much. August took a deep, slow breath, eyes shut for a moment before she adjusted her glasses and flicked her eyes to him. Everyone seemed to be avoiding the topic, wanting to ask but not wanting to be the first to do so. How much of it was them assuming she was unstable, feeding off the emotions around her, unable to control herself because of her powers? That was fine. She was alright with that. They weren't friends. She didn't know them enough to let them in yet. Something far deeper than base understanding. August could connect with anyone, but no one would ever be able to connect with her. So many inputs. So much data. Sometimes the overflow was suffocating. "Thanks. For staying with me, I mean. If the Kitsune or whatever decided to grab me up here while I was alone, it'd be pretty problematic. Or you know...a bear or something. Bobcats don't live up here right? I'm terrible with animals." She was quiet for a moment before digging around in her backpack, finally breaking her stare from the gentle ripples in the lake. Not even bubbles. Of course not, they were breathing just fine. Just. Fine. August dug out two granola bars, then butt-shimmied closer to Maxwell, holding one out to him. She had regained control of her emotions, of her powers. But she was still emotionally drained, for lack of a better phrase. "Here...I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Sitting in another person's mind apparently take it out of you, heh." She pulled a water bottle out of the pack as well, sitting cross legged as she nibbled on the bar, trying to avoid looking at the water. " I feel a bit like a coward...walked into a magical living house...chasing after a kidnapping spirit beast...and a lake beat me." She ran a hand through her long hair, giving a sigh and a stifled chuckle as she shut her eyes, fiddling with her cell phone.