Akira Akira didn't know what happened, one moment he was walking with the group, the next he was in the hands of some girl, and he saw that the others, as well as their escort, were in danger. Akira tpok a calming breath, red marks forming on his skin as he activated Red Devil, using his new found strength to try and burst out of the girl's grip, and if that didn't work, he'd sprout numerous blades odf blood from his body and spin them around him real fast, slicing up the girl and freeing him, but it would destroy his clothes for the most part. Once free, he would bolt over launching powerful punches and kicks at all the vampires he passed by, hoping to at the very least damage them a little. He would then stop in front of Sayaka, releasing his signature to prevent any serious damage. "Sayaka-san, I urge you to stay back," Akira said strictly, never taking his eyes off the enemy, "We were tasked to defend you from any threat, so please let us do our job." [@chukklehed] [@Masaki Haruna] Dylan Dylan was not enjoying undercover work, it was the exact opposite of fighting, it was just them waiting for something to show up and bite them in the butt. He and Ray had been snooping through some files when he heard something fly throught the air. Dylan scoot to the left to let the katana pass by him, waiting until the last moment to grab the handle and deftly swing it around to slash through. . . .a bra? [i]That is weird, really weird. . . this cult is going to be full of perverts, isn't.[/i] Dylan sighed before looking uo into the shadows, keeping his senses sharp for any signs of their assailant. "Oy, Bra-tosser, we know you're out there,,so come out and fight me like a fucking man." [@LokiLeo789] [@Masaki Haruna]