[center][i]At first, Life was simple. Humans went about their humble lives, possessing not a care in the world besides survival. For, in those days, there was no tyranny. Things were truly tranquil. Motionless. Stagnant. And then, came the Happening. The Spark of Magic was born into the world. At first, the people rejoiced at their new strength. But, over time, this power bent their minds. Morals were lost. Humanity was thrown away for the pursuit of power. New Beings, born from the primordial sea of Magic, used their power for horrible deeds. And then, all things were not. Life as it was before had ended completely. Such is the end result of all Magic. ...[/i][/center] [hr] How much time has passed since this occurred? Nobody quite knows, all that remains of these ancient tales are small, almost impossible to decipher texts. All that is known is a single, concrete fact. [i]"Where there is Magic, none shall remain in the end."[/i] It is the ultimate, apocalyptic force, driving whoever seeks it into destroying themselves. And yet, life remains. Why is this so? It is theorized that, sometime in the last few centuries, some sort of countermeasure was devised. A technique for preventing the growth of magic, for sealing it away for none to use. Since then, there have been no more tales woven of Magic, and all traces of this terrible force have all but disappeared from the world. However, whatever the solution was that was woven by your ancestors, it was not permanent. Magic will, eventually, be born back into this world. Theorists have called this inevitability the [i]"Second Happening"[/i], and its arrival is said to have been foreshadowed for many, many years before now. While some, particularly the grand populace, remain oblivious, Kings and Scholars alike panic at what they believe will be coming before the end of their lifetimes. So, they have begun researching and planning in secret, preparing countermeasures for the coming cataclysm. The apocalypse is nigh. In some, secluded villages, far from civilization, stories told to children, yelled aloud at inns and written painstakingly into diaries are beginning to become... queer. Mentions of fairies. Accounts of elves, spotted in the forests. The sound of great, powerful wings in the distance. Mysterious footprints. All of these stories point to one, horrible fact. Magic is coming. [hr]Edgey introduction post out of the way, I'm interested in starting a roleplay here for once. Because I'm bored. So, what is [i]"Magic Sucks"[/i]? [i](Name subject to change.)[/i] Well, it is a slightly re-imagined version of a game I wanted to run quite a while ago, but never got a chance to. Simply put, it is a rather Fantasy roleplay set in a Fantasy world that has had the Fantasy elements removed for quite a while. Is that enough Fantasy for you? Well good, because wait, there's more. Your jobs, as the characters, is to be a part of the [i]"Anti-Magic Countermeasures"[/i]. You may not initially be made aware of this, and indeed, you may never find out the true meaning behind the events taking place. That is the fun part. You see, the concept of this roleplay is, fundamentally, that I [i](the GM)[/i] will never give the players anything hand-wrapped, spoon-fed or any other similarly metaphorical way. The point of this roleplay is to explore the consequences of player choices, and to provide an experience that is both entertaining and challenging. You may very well die, but I have no intention of making things overly unfair [i](yet)[/i], and will certainly give you all of the things you need to solve the problems at hand. This is a slightly game-like, freeform Fantasy roleplay, inspired partially by series such as Dark Souls. Players will start rather ordinary, but I fully intend on allowing massive, absurdly silly increases in power in short periods of time, due to the overpowered nature of Magic in this world. I'll allow a great amount of world building where appropriate, but for what is not filled in with the players, I will be designing a rather cruel imitation of the conventional Fantasy world. Is this enough words? I think this is enough words. You folks down? Got any questions? Just shoot them at me, I'll tell you anything but my three sizes~! [i]Thats~ a~ Secret~![/i] [hider=Relevant Links][b]1[/b]. [i](GM Posts, important info, .ect)[/i] In [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612409]this[/url] post, I have the Character Sheet and various other World Details. You really should read it, but it's kind of long. [b]2[/b]. [i](Q&A)[/i] SillyGoy: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2608456]WHAT ARE YOUR SIZES[/url]" Tatsua Aiisen: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2608457]I. Will. End. You.[/url]" SgtEasy: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612812]Serious question: Are there muskets? Or at least Blunderbusses?[/url]" Tatsua Aiisen: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612855]There are some very rudimentary firearms. They're all terrible, though, and they qualify as "Exotic Weapons" (And hence require an adequate explanation for how you got a hold of them).[/url]" TheSoundTheory: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612844]I know you said no foreigners so I know that means none of those kingdoms overseas but does that mean we can't be a part of the other main kingdoms mentioned? Like, not from Mortis but coming in from Ashfall?[/url]" Tatsua Aiisen: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612855]If it's not from Mortis, it's not allowed. I might consider allowing, perhaps, a foreign weapon of some sort (Given a sufficient description), but no straight up foreigners allowed.[/url]" [b]Bonus:[/b] SgtEasy: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612503]CAN I PLEASE BE AN APACHE HELICOPTER PLEAAASSSEEE[/url]" Moonlit Sonata: "[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2612565]Now, QUESTION ONE: Do Apache Helicopters naturally exist in Fantasyland? Answer: Nope~ QUESTION TWO: Is it possible for a human to have some sort of twisted, tragic mental disability that makes them think they are an Apache Helicopter~? Answer: Well, if they're depraved enough, I don't see why not. And finally, QUESTION THREE: Sonata-sama, how much must I pay to undergo the Male/Female-to-ApacheHelicopter transgender surgery? Well my little pervert, the answer is "more than you can afford".[/url]" [/hider]