Name: Marcus Wilson Age: 16 Gender: Male race: Devil(Former human) Rank: Lower Class Devil appearance: [img][/img] Appearance note: Has the height of a 13-14 year old boy. personality: Marcus is known to be hot-blooded and short tempered, he is known to beat up people who abuse others with the usual exception of those with higher social authority then him. It is cause of this that he is label has a juvenile delinquent by his most of his peers. However those who could actually hang out with him would know that he actually a kind person who can't stand to see other people get bullied. Evil piece: Knight Categorized: none yet normal powers: all basic devil powers you can find at Zeke magical energy and powers: Unknown Secret Gear: [b]The Phantom Blade:[/b] a Elven long sword with a green tranparent blade the can be summon from inside the user body(and soul). This blade will phase through thing with the exception of the last thing that user Verbally commends it to cut. -Balance breaker: None right now -sub species: [b]Matter Cutter:[/b] The blade turn into a katana take on a sharper appearance and gains abnormally strong cutting abilities, Allowing it to cut through solid object with more ease then he could normal do with a different sword equipment:None bio/ history: Marcus is a teenager of British/Japaneses Deceit, been and raise in a positive environment in japan until six year old, one late night his father was walking home from work when he was killed by a spray bullet during a gunfight between two rival gang members. After which his mother and him was forced to live on the bad part of town; on top of which he was constantly bullied cause of his hair color and inheritance. This had jump start his cycle of violence as he was forced to teach himself how to fight in order to get the other students to back off. At the age of 10 his mother was finally able to take him out of that neighborhood and transfer him to another school. However he still chose to get in unnecessary fights with the other students: usually with the ones are those who make fun of his looks and as time when by he start focusing on bullies who target other. This got him sent to the principal's office multiple time and landed him in juvenile court at least twice. Though he was acquitted the first time, he was put place in juvenile detention for putting another student in the hospital. Since then Marcus had only been in a fights when it couldn't be avoid. When he started high school his mother had enroll him in-Insert the name of the academy here- thinking that it would help keep him out of trouble, during his freshman year he only got in trouble once for his violences. During the roleplay Marcus will take a shortcut to his house where he would either be kill directed by Zeke enemies or will be killed in the crossfire between one of Zeke's group and his enemies. others: Marcus favorite hobby is cooking.