Chit Zai nodded his approval of the avatar's decision. With a narrow smile, one that clearly showed pride in his apprentice, Chit Zai turned to face west. There was still some distance between them and the coast. Hopefully the recon force from Iluq's army wouldn't find them along the way. "Oh, I have no intention of missing him. He is our only way off this island." Chit Zai smirked at his comment. This would be a narrow escape at best. "If we head west, he should be at the coast before we arrive." With that he motioned for Masaru to follow him and headed towards the west coast. He hadn't made it three steps before stopping suddenly and striking an offensive stance. Drawing his right fist back, he focused his mind and body on the building up of his desire to protect the avatar: the main driving force of his fire bending. Though she seemed to be an air nomad, she could easily be tied to Iluq. Commandingly Chit Zai called out "who are you? Speak quickly!" Even as he spoke the air around his fist began to crackle, the combustive force pushing to be released.