[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@Kitsune] Zento, no longer had any reason to doubt Koyo. She demonstrated excellent sword skill and ability, despite being a bite reckless. With a series of acrobatics, she was able to push the hollow off its feet. Unfortunately, this was not simplistic Hollow, suddenly it's face darkened as it fell. Zento's eyes widened, as he watched, he realized that it had been waiting for this. It's arms contorted, it's elbow switching directions, literally. It caught itself, before pushing it's body up, sudden a red ball of energy formed on its mouth. Zento knew exactly what the was, "Cero!" he yelled glancing at Koyo before Shunpo'ing into the air. The Hollow fired a red beam at were Koyo and Zento were originally standing, and an explosion rocked the whole block. The ground was on fire, and a large crater had formed from the blast. When the smoke cleared, the Hollow had disappeared. Zento jumped down and walked over to the place the the Hollow was originally standing. "Damn, it escaped." He mumbled, it must have ran when it's Mask was chipped. "Good job." He said back at Koyo, she had proved beyond a doubt that she could help herself.