Hello! My name is Muzi and this is my Interests Thread. If anything catches your eye or you're as bored as I am, post below, pm me, or add me on Skype. [b][u]General Information[/u][/b] My writing style is always third person past tense, and I ask the same of anyone that I roleplay with. Even a few references in second person is enough to prompt me to quit. It's just relaly not my cup of tea. My posting length is anywhere from one to seven paragraphs, depending on action, dialogue, and personal motivation. I won't say that the more interested I am in an rp the more I write, as the opposite is often true. In my haste to respond, I sometimes will shorten posts. If you have a post length that you want your partners to stick to, be up front with me, and I'll do my best to meet and exceed any expectations. Now, while I am game to play any gender (male to female, those in between and outside of the binary) as well as any pairing type (from monogamous heterosexuals to poly-pansexuals), I have a strong preference for male x male pairings and slightly more submissive characters. Romance is not necessarily a must in a plot, but it is a great hook for me, and I will not stay in an rp that doesn't allow me to explore my character's personality and backstory. That being said, there are only a few genres I will not touch, including but not limited to: horror and accurate historical fiction. It would take a lot of fast talking and a great plot for me to be interested in horror, and an accurate historical fiction is not in the cards for me, as I am not well versed with history and have very little [read: none what so ever] interest in spending several nights studying for an rp. However! If you want to rp with me, there are three magical words that will always catch my interest: 1) Fluff. 2) BDSM. 3) ZOMBIES! Seriously, pitch me any plot with zombies, and I will be saying yes before I've read the entire pitch. Zombie survival rps, post zombie outbreak/co-existing in a rotting world rps, finding a cure rps, all of them are a huge yes. If you don't know what BDSM is (and I'm not talking the fifty shades of gray kind), then I'll prelude with these rps would be 18+/Mature in content. However, I don't mean an entire rp wrapped around smut. I love the power dynamics in relationships, and I really like to explore couples of that nature in other settings, as in everything outside of the bedroom, from them meeting to them going shopping together. Finally, I love fluff. While I LOVE drama and angst and hurt/comfort is incredibly addictive for me, I really love cute, fluffy scenes where the couple is domestic and loveydovey. Find a way to mix these three together and my gods, I will never be able to say no. But this is just a bit of my mind and muse, and I am fairly open minded to anything. In fact, it is rather hard to scare me off an rp unless you literally put no effort in or are intentionally trying to make the rp unpleasant. I'm easy going and friendly, so even if you're just bored, feel free to say hey. Maybe we can think up something fun.