[b][u]Pairings[/u][/b] World type they fit in-Characters (my preference, if applicable, is bolded) Fantasy/Action-adventure - Warrior/[b]Archer[/b] Fantasy/Action-adventure - Mage/Warrior Fantasy/Action-adventure - Any fighter/[b]Bard/Story-teller[/b] Modern-day/School - Jock/Jock Modern-day/School - Jock/[b]Stoner[/b] Modern-day/Slice of life - Bartender/Shop owner Sci-fi/Slice of life - Android/Human Sci-fi/Action-adventure - Pilot/Mechanic Sci-fi/Action-adventure - Captain/[b]Pilot[/b] [b][u]Tropes & Cliches[/u] Fantasy/Action-adventure - Chara A is on a quest when he meets Chara B. The two decide to travel together only to discover that their purposes conflict. Feelings get in the way of decisive action. Fantasy/Action-adventure - (requires playing multiples) A small band of warriors set out together, each traveling for different purposes and set together either buy a guild or a sorceress that has cursed or has contracts with all of them. && I'll add more as I think of them. Atm, my brain has noped away.