[center][img]http://images.cooltext.com/3986766.png[/img][/center] [center]Closed | OOC| Not Yet Started[/center] [I] It was raining the night of October First, 1857. A man runs down the street, the paper in his hand. The London Times. Across the headline it said; MURDER! THE 11TH IN A STRING OF MURDERS! The man knew that he shouldn't be out this late. He stopped to check the time on his silver line pocket watch. 11:26. "Where had the time gone?" the man thought to himself. "I should be in bed with my wife." He rushed down the lane, only a few blocks away from his house, 21st Pudding Lane. As he saw his house, he slowed his pace. Suddenly, a Laugh was heard though the air. The man stopped "W-who's There??" he shouted. The Laugher only got more intense. And then... The man was killed.[/I] [I] The next morning, The man was found, sitting down. his head had been cut off, replaced with a pumpkin with a smile carved into it. In the man's hand was a note addressed to Scotland Yard. It read...[/I] [center][b][I]Let The Game Begin[/I][/b][/center] I am looking for four detectives. My Co-Gm, [@rush99999] is [b]The Game Master[/b] [hider=CS] Name: Age: Gender: Role: Personality: Description: Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil [/hider] [hr] [hider=The Detectives] 1. The Famous Detective; [@Exodus] The Best Detective around. He/She has been following this murderer for weeks now. Rules for The Famous Detective; Read the Murder scene. The Murderer (and me) will write this together, in mass detail, so you can pick and pull at everything you need. Take anything you think that might be of value. Try to tell the group what do, sense you are the best at what you do. It's up to them to listen or not. Witnesses. Try to ask questions to any or all of them, what ever you seem fit. Some may not talk. [hr] 2. The Fighter; [@Philogelos] A Grand Fighter. You have a bone to pick with the murderer, and nothing will get in your way. Rules for The Fighter: Witnesses. Anyone could be the murderer. If the wont talk, offer to beat the snot out of them for the answer. Some witnesses might come clean to things they have done. In a Fight/ Chase situation, you can take charge. This is what your best at after all. You do what you want. You may listen to the Famous Detective, but you don't have to. Trust no one. Anyone may be working for the murderer. [hr] 3. The Spiritual Medium; [@LowKey123] The best witness is the one who was killed him/herself. Rules for The Spiritual Medium: If you would like to talk to the dead, make a post that establishes that. The Dead will appear only to you, so you might want to tell the others. or keep the info to your self. Listen and work with the Famous Detective, as he knows what he's doing. Understand the Fighter, as you may have lost your own family member to the Murderer too. (if you want.) [hr] 4. The Researcher; [@Snarfulblast] The one who takes the info and processes it into workable data. You are obliviously the smartest. Rules for the Researcher: Analyze what The Famous Detective found. It might be important, it may not. (I'll give the result) Listen to The Spiritual Medium, the Evidence might be important. The Fighter has [i]almost[/i] no use to you. [/hider] I have added something new for this game we play [hider=Crime Scene Standards] A crime scene will include the following; [hider=- A Police Report] A Police Report is in a hider (like this one!) and has; - Who was killed - Witnesses Along with short stories about what they saw - Possible Murder Weapon(s) - The Direct Address of where they were killed - and any Objects of Interest [/hider] - A part Describing the scene as a whole, not going into details about different objects and people. [/hider] [hider=Abilities!] Abilities Everyone Has -Look at something closer; This will prompt one of us to post what the object is, but not go into to much of detail -Question a civilian/witness; This will prompt me or rush to post the character's responses. The civilian/witness doesn't have to answer all questions and could even walk away. --Detective-- - [b]Keen Eye[/b]; The Detective has a keen eye for clues, and as such, can inspect those clues better than a normal man When the Detective tells us that He/She "Used His/Her Keen Eye to inspect (Insert Object Here)." We will reply just as if someone where to look closer, but put a lot more detail into it. - [b]Questioning[/b]; The Detective can ask the Questions that need to be asked, and get an answer. When the Detective is Questioning a civilian/witness, they will ask better questions, and get better answers. --Fighter-- - [b]Intimation[/b]; "Now, your going to tell us, or this orange *shows an orange* will be your skull *crushes orange*. Get the picture?" Due to The Fighter's Strength, he/she is Intimating. Depending on what they do, depends on what they'll get out of the civilian/witness. - [b]Strong[/b]; "I'm Stronger than you. Now run along before someone gets hurt." --Spiritual Medium-- -[b]Enter the Medium[/b]; When entering the Medium, you can talk to dead people. Simple. -[b]Future Predict[/b] We will set a PM up with you and you will get random messages of possible futures --Researcher-- -[b]Keen Eye[/b] Much like the Detective's Keen eye objects will be given more detail, But more in conjunction with other object such as how they would interact with each other Example: Examine a Carriage Wheel along with a broken Carriage axle and an Ax -[b]It just came to me[/b]; We if you ask though the PM we send, you may get a clue back. [/hider] And Now... The Murderer. [hr] Name: [i]You may call me The Game Master[/i] Age: [i]Such trivialities are beneath me[/i] Gender: [i]Male of course. If I were a woman, my name would be The Game [b]Mistress[/b].[/i] Role: [i]I'll give you 3 guesses[/i] Supernatural ability: [i]I can make people see things that aren't there. Ordinary people refer to it as illusion mastery. [b]I[/b] refer to it as confounding the senses made into and art form[/i] Personality: [i]Many people believe I'm a complete madman (Which I am). I revel in killing and revel even more so in testing the minds my pursuers with cryptic clues and hard-to-find hints. I treat everything as a game...Because that's all the mortal realm is.[/i] What is currently known about his modus operandi: [i]I strike on nights that have an odd number (e.g. October the 1st) at 11:40 PM on the dot. I kill my victims by cutting off their heads and replacing them with pumpkins that have smiles carved into them. I then leave some form of message addressed to Scotland Yard in the capable hands of my dead victims and take the heads with me to...Well, I have to keep some secrets now, don't I?[/i] Alignment: [i]Chaotic evil, obviously.[/i] Appearance: [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6b/2d/f5/6b2df5d0c3ce46709b9338fef7e11b80.jpg[/img] So, who's ready to play A Murderer's Game?