[center][color=007236][h1]Wonderland Gone Wrong[/h1][/color] [color=6ecff6]You are the descendant or friend of a Creepypasta (you might even be a Creepypasta yourself), who once fell [color=ed1c24]Down The Wrong Rabbit Hole[/color], and never returned. You, and a whole bunch of other people, got sucked into that world when you opened the book [color=fff200][i]Alice in Wonderland.[/i][/color] When you find yourselves in a small room you must find your way out of there, and into Wonderland. But beware, the Creepypastas' might not recognize you, and their appearances are very different from when you last saw them. And, we hope you stay and have a cup o' tea... forever... I mean, it's really not that bad.[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24][hider=Creepypasta CS] Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Clothing: Personality: Weapon: Catchphrase: Backstory: Extra: [/hider][/color] [hider=Human CC] [color=82ca9d]Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: (optional) Pet: (optional) Likes: Dislikes: Talents: History: Extra:[/color] [/hider] [hider=Rules] [color=f9ad81]-No fighting in the OOC -No automatic kills, hits, etc. -Let the GM know if you are leaving -You must get Gm's approval before posting in the IC tab -No Mary-sues -No god-modding[/color] [/hider] [color=ed145b]Post your CS in here before moving it to the characters tab.[/color]