[center][color=ed1c24][h1]Characters[/h1] [color=ec008c]*If you want to rp as Slenderman, Masky, etc., you [i]must[/i] ask.[/color][/color] [hider=Creepypasta CS] [color=ed1c24]Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Clothing: Personality: Weapon: Catchphrase: Backstory: Extra:[/color] [/hider] [hider=Human CS] [color=8dc73f]Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: (optional) Pet: (optional) Likes: Dislikes: Talents: History: Extra:[/color] [/hider][/center] [center] [hider=My Creepypasta] [color=f7976a][img]http://www.wallpapersdb.org/wallpapers/fantasy/girl_fantasy_1920x1200.jpg[/img] Name: Roseblood Age: 19 Gender: Female Looks: goth-hair Clothing: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_16tXMG9wyr0/TFhS8hGGMaI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/SpS1H5GJqQc/s1600/gothic-black-white-wedding-dresses.jpg[/img] Personality: Soft spoken, hard to piss off, calm, caring, murderous and scary as fuck when she is pissed or killing someone. Weapon: L-26001_1 Catchphrase: www.millenium.org/upload/war_deat... Backstory: Rosele had always been an oucast, bullied because of the way she dresses, acts and because she has such a clear, pure voice when she is singing. One day she is murdered in the woods, but arises shortly after, finding herself entwined in rose vines. She calls herself Roseblood. When she goes out for her first kill, she is followed by another creepypasta, named Deathhawk. After a series of crazy events, they end up being a couple. Extra: [/color] [/hider][/center]