After a few moments of everyone falling into shock and promptly try to pull themselves together, Starla ran fingers through her hair, somehow managing to avoid every flower that resided in it. “So. . . what do we do?” She had a straight, serious face. If anything, they couldn’t just sit there in shock. She and everyone else knew it too. Her eyes landed on Crios, then Harper. The rabbit man couldn’t help the cold chill that ran down his spine. He was the second in command. Enasi was incapacitated at the moment, which meant he was the one that had to take charge. It was something he never dreamed of doing. Before he could overreact, Harper heaved a sigh. He was a strategist. He was a soldier. He could figure something out. Crios and Flynn watched Harper. Both spotted the surprised and mild terror in the rabbit’s eyes before he calmed. Harper leaned against the wall in thought. No one spoke, not wanting to interrupt his contemplation. It felt like minutes had gone pass as they waited, each trying to come up with their own ideas as well. “There’s no way around this.” Harper finally broke the intense silence. “I’ve gone through every possible plan I could think of, twice. There’s no other way around it and you,” He looked at Crios with a serious expression. “probably won’t like it.” Harper stood straight, looking down the hallway. “It’s not far from a long shot, but Lord Enasi is the only one that can truly feel Night’s presence. It’s one of those guardian things. So,” Even Harper isn’t fond of what he planned to say, but it had to be done. “We have to tell him. He can tap into this realm’s energy to pinpoint where he is. I’m sure there are plenty of things he could probably do that are beyond us.” Crios interjected immediately. “You do realize how much of a panic that will put him in?! We cannot afford for him to not only be in a panic, but exert himself so much in the state he’s in!” As a doctor, he could not allow his patient- the Guardian of this realm- be injured anymore than he had been. And as someone who worried about the guardian in general, he didn’t want to put Enasi in that kind of stress- not after the Nightmare Realm. . . Not after he nearly died. “Didn’t you say TB said he wasn’t here? That turtle is the oldest creature here, and now all of a sudden you don’t believe him?!” His voice had grown into a hushed, exasperated tone as if Enasi would hear them. Flynn had similar thoughts, although there was no other solution in mind. “Maybe...Maybe Seishu went home? Maybe he or someone opened the portal to the Nightmare Realm for him?” Harper’s head shook. The idea did come across his mind, but there was a problem with it. “Only a Nightmare can make a portal to to the Nightmare Realm and Inui wasn’t with Seishu. Enasi might, but he was way too loopy and injured. We would have detected any other nightmares around here. Night couldn’t have done it himself either. When the two got back, he could barely stand. If I’m not mistaken, he recently just got the energy to actually get out of bed. Right Crios?” When he didn’t get a response,he asked again. Crios, merely sighed and nodded. The fox knew the truth, however it still didn’t sway his opinion. He couldn't just dump something like that on their guardian. Not with his injuries and not after they had convinced him to stop stressing himself so much. At this point, Crios was going to stress himself out before that could be considered, so he took a deep breath and sighed. There had to be another way… ~~~~~~~ Cho appeared in his guardian’s room with Rue giving a look of happy surprise. He placed a finger to his lips in order to indicate the sleeping two. Cho nodded calmly and gave a curious look when he realized one of the trio had been missing. “Where’s Inui?” His voice was soft and curious. “He’ll be back. He had to go get a small cut fixed up.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [i]It was still dark. Still empty. Enasi, for once didn’t mind. It was a time to regather his thoughts and revel on the day. But. . .he realized with Seishu, he did mostly that. The Nightmare Guardian was always one to knock some sense into him- even when he didn’t think he needed it. [b]I should thank him. . . He’s sacrificed so much. . .[/b] There was no need to remind himself of all the sad things that had gone on with Seishu. It was amazing how well he handled them. From being stuck in his counterpart’s realm, Rue getting into trouble- twice, the many emotional rollercoaster they went through, and so so much more- Seishu was still standing. He admired him. Seishu’s strong will, loving devotion, the way his eyes lit up when he saw his minions for the first time. . .It was hard to tell if Enasi sighed or not, but the gesture was there. [b]I wonder how I could ever repay him for something like that. . .[/b] Keeping him alive just didn’t seem like enough. It was something important that had to be done, but it there was little sentiment in it. The proof of that had been with those rowdy doctors that were now imprisoned. It reminded him to go check on them. He should let them go and return home. The faint tinge of sorrow pressed in his heart. They wouldn’t be happy with him. He knew it. But they didn’t understand. He had to punish them someway.[/i] An all too familiar pull made him turn his head in that direction. He was waking up. And when he did, Enasi yawned gently before kissing the cheek of Rasha who at sometime took advantage of sleeping with his guardian and turned to his human form. A soft purr found its way out of Rasha before he stretched and lazily opened one eye. He didn’t want to get up, much too comfortable at his guardian’s side. Enasi however had opened his eyes and smiled at both Rue and Cho who were having small talk. “How are you Cho? Rue? How long have I been asleep?” The last question was obviously pointed at Rue. “You must have been really tired Lord Enasi. You’ve been asleep for more than an hour.” Rue giggled and made his way to the bed in order to hug him. “I’m fine. Everyone else I believe is going about their schedules.” He gave an affirmative nod. Cho on the other hand mulled over that response, positive that the others were in frantic search of Seishu. However, he couldn’t entertain that thought. He didn’t need his guardian worrying as he always did. “I too am quite alright Lord Enasi, thank you.” There was a brief silence, save for Rasha’s gentle purring as Enasi gently soothed and petted his hair as he slept. “I did have an inquiry. About a few dishes.” He tapped his chin. “Ah, well I did bring you a small snack. I didn’t exactly abide to the soup rule, but I made sure they were soft foods.” Enasi chuckled lightly and listened to Cho. “I’m not too hungry right now, but sure I can do a taste test. Rue, Inui, and Rasha- hm, where is Inui?” Normally the little bundle of wavering negative energy was nearby. “Oh, he just went to get a small cut cleaned. He should be back soon. And can I help taste test Cho?” His eyes lit up, hoping the chef brought desserts to try.