[color=0072bc]April 13th, 2014 7:00 PM Odessa, Colorado[/color] In the mountains, winter still holds sway. The snow is deeper in April than it was in January or February, and Odessa is nearly buried by it – but the residents here can handle winter. The werewolves thrive in the snow, capable of exploring further while mere humans are tucked away in their homes. The moon is two days short of full and rides heavy in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the white landscape of the mountains. Despite the fact that wild wolves are not thought to live in Colorado, the people of Odessa are not unfamiliar with howling in the night, especially during the winter months. Rumors have finally made their way to the mountains about a northern pack by the name of Vail. If they're true, it means the Vail pack was recently taken down, supposedly by the largest pack in Denver – a pack of unsavory individuals selected by a rather ambitious Ulfric who only goes by the name Adam. Most packs don't fight Adam and readily submit, but that doesn't stop them from being slaughtered, resulting in little opposition to his steady takeover. Many large cities are home to such packs, though none have yet shown such similar brutality. Something rides the wind, though whether it is a hint of spring or a different kind of change for the werewolves within and near Odessa is yet to be seen. A howl shivers upward, weaving through wind and snow in a timeless effort to strike the moon. The time of the werewolf approaches.