Seril: Seril opened the brown door to his limo and thanked the driver for his time. His eyes lit up when he saw the tall tower in front of him. He felt his eyes begin to water when he noticed he was one of the last ones to get out. Dammit if he hadn’t spilled his moms tea on his lap he wouldn’t have had to change on the way over here. He was already from Till not to mention that he was a freak about to get trained to hunt freaks. But none of that was in Seril’s mind. This beautiful structure was a sight to see, as this was his first time ever even visiting Focal. He looked around at the other recruits wondering if they had noticed him staring at the building, he thought he heard someone laugh when they started walking away without him. And he noticed another boy from Till starting to give them a reason to hate them already. Seril pulled on the sweatshirt his mother and sister had made for him, it was pretty new so it was a bit itchy. Seril figured there was no reason to even open his mouth until he was approached. He didn’t want to draw too much particular attention to himself. He followed the other Recruits as they introduced themselves trying to catch some of there names. He had only caught Sarah and Dyana’s names and he thought he knew the other boy’s from Till, he recognized Mason, Seril figured his big ass would be here, and the other one was… He couldn’t put a finger on it. The air Seril was breathing even felt different. He coughed. Maybe it wasn’t a good different, he said smiling to himself.