[center][color=OrangeRed][b]Acacia 'Ace' Malikov[/b][/color][/center] Trudged through the thickness of the white weather, slender yet sturdy limbs tipped with hefty paws drew on as the sound of gentle puffing could be heard. Trailed by the marks of every step, conjoined by dragging toes patterned the mold-able landscape. The large frame shook out it's head and glanced about, the mountains her home as she headed in search of a place to hunker down. Ears twitching forward and back at every sound picked up, head lowly hung as she listened to the echoing sounds of others. The small critters were, by now, hibernating and tucked away from the cold and any threats that may have been about. Acacia would then merely grunted as she found herself slowing as she ascended parts of the mountain. She held onto her thick oddly tinged pelt over the flesh of her human self, somehow finding comfort in the ability to remain outdoors and free from the struggles of being human. Unsure of who else lurked through the mountains and it's coverage, Acacia moved almost silently, tail low and dragging through the icy sheets of terrain, undoubtedly leaving a trail for any to follow. Hues of muddled emerald and sapphire shifting relentlessly as she allowed the pink slither of flesh to emerge her maw, slapping the frozen nasal that topped her muzzle with a new warmth. Eventually she'd find an uncovered rock pressed against a tree's stump and protected from the ivory particles, it's upper surface almost flat, making it a perfect resting spot. As she cast a quick glance around she'd quickly leap upon it's surface and turn to face her surroundings, rump lightly lowering as hind legs tucked themselves under the figure to prop it up. Front limbs merely standing upright before slowly one after the other pacing forwards, elbows eventually colliding with the hard object. Laying upon her stomach and chest now she emit a gentle sigh, white clouds emerging both passages with the heated breath. The female secluding herself from the pack she called family, her nature to wander and be alone drawing her to the isolated locations in the mountains, a loner by heart it would seem to those who may have seen her actions. Once comfortable, she couldn't help but think to herself, wondering what else their was to the world, what she was supposed to do with herself and why she ended up the way she was. She'd lose herself to thought and eventually lower her head to rest upon those thick paws, eyes drifting about as her lids half closed themselves.