[@DMZ] Sounds great! I believe I have more than enough time. I do have a full time job, and unfortunately we don't have banker's hours. I usually work from 7 to 7 (Central Time), but usually have 4 or 5 hours of free time before I go to sleep, I also have around an hour or so in the morning before I go into work. We've been extremely busy this week and haven't been getting home before 8 because we got rained out for two and a half days, so we've been working really long days trying to catch up with our work load. But even working extremely long days, I should have enough time to post at least once daily if the RP is moving that quickly. I've ventured back toward the RP forum type of entertainment because video games are just becoming too brainless. As for my questions regarding the character sheet, you have cleared up quite a bit of confusion for me with that last post of yours. I asked about spells because I read that rangers can cast spells in D&D, but had to go about it a lot differently than the magic focused classes. Due to that, I just wasn't sure whether I should put certain things in spells or abilities, but I think that's all cleared up now. I think the thing I'm not sure about the most at the moment would be the "racial benefits." Are you wanting us to put down the benefits of the race as listed by D&D, or are you wanting us to just come up with some things here? I'm assuming the latter, or a mix of the two, judging from your post. And honestly, I don't think the character sheet is that scary or massive. Some of the LOTR and Bleach RP character sheets I've seen are ridiculously massive, and take multiple days to finish unless you sit there all day with them. It was just the confusion of no previous experience with D&D that had me worried. I'll start working on a character shortly and should have a WIP up by the end of the night.