[B]Dutch Hill, Gotham City 7:09 PM[/B] "Holy hookers, Batman'" shocked, I cried out loud. If I'll help isn't even a question. I can't imagine the anarchy that could amount from that. Killing Billy might seem like it would stop a lot of violent crime, until you consider how many underlings would claw their way up to secure his spot as their own. With crime in Gotham, it's just like that old saying: When it rains, it pours. "Where can I find Russo?" I asked, intending to act as a silent bodyguard. But at the same time, that might be a little too late. "No," I changed my mind. "Where's the whore house? From there I can secure a perimeter." I palmed my face as I searched for the right question, then it hit me. "Where can I find Toots?" But still another question lingered, "What are you gonna do, Mr.Wayne?"