[h3]Alexei Dragunov - Auditorium // Tuesday April 21 [/h3] The guy leaned against a wall, making a bit of a distance among them. Maybe the smell of tobacco bothered him. Alexei remained at his place as Sato gave a vague reply to his query. Maybe, he wasn't sure what his true calling was but he made sure to revert the question back to him. Before he could answer it though, one of the wenches of the drama club passed them by, a hop in her step going over to two others and joining the Bitch brigade. They were a rotten group, complete with dirty personalities to match. Thought of themselves as queens of the world. Superficial beauty further augmented by makeup and shenanigans, to impress urge driven guys waiting to spend some time with them. Sato then changed the direction of the discussion with a question. [color=ed1c24]"I have no type, Hashimoto. I like them all as long as they are nice to me. But, thinking specifically I'll say those athletically inclined or interested in physical labour to get them what they need would be my type. Not that I have anyone in mind. What's yours? Type, I mean."[/color] Alexei was interested in his reply, since judging by the scowl he had on his face when looking towards the girl from before, whiny ones weren't his type either.