Hopefully after a visit to UVA Hospital next week somebody will finally tell me what's wrong with me. Then, as long as I have a job waiting on me when I get back then maybe I can finally join a game without having to bail after a handful of posts. [quote=@The Kid Lantern] This is where I would normally urge and/or encourage everyone to post since the final chapter of the crossover has been posted. However, with Legion on the backburner with half the cast now gone, Queens losing steam, Outsiders lacking recent IC posts.... I'm thinking of a reboot for this universe and going back to 2020. Still brainstorming with the other co-GM's and GM's of the other games, but I'll post more details when I know for certain where/how to move forward. There are things I'd like to do differently this time around, and I'm gonna [i]try[/i] not to kill off as many DC characters and dropouts LOL ~KL~ [/quote] A reboot... or possibly a different direction... (Young Justice: 1985? Games set on an Earth where there was never a Justice League? :hehe) Either way, once I get my stuff sorted I would love to jump back in and play with you guys. I really liked all the different team ideas, and loved the idea of multiple role plays set in the same universe!