Two loud cracks rang out through the woods. William came to a sudden halt, listening, trying to locate the source of the sounds. [i]"Gun shots.."[/i] he thought to himself. He assumed it could be from a hunter, who'd been stalking his prey for quite some time and finally had the chance to bag their animal. If that was the case, William had a lot of respect for the hunter who was willing to trudge through the snow for the spirit of the hunt. Still, he wandered the woods without much reason other than curiosity. The gunshots had caught his attention, and he wanted to investigate, but it would be rude to go looking for someone who is busy partaking in the sport. Rather than head directly in the direction of the sound, he decided to wander in the general direction where he thinks the shots rang out from. William didn't care where he ended up, he was enjoying himself out here. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air he hiked on through the snow, humming a country tune to himself, unaware of the presence of werewolves still in the area.