[color=00aeef][b][center]Sasha[/center] [/b][/color] The woman was at first hard to see, the darkness of her skin and clothes blending into the shadows she naturally gravitated towards. Much like a shadow, she moved when Marcus moved, though initially she was simply lounging outside his quarters, appearing much like the dozing Marrec downstairs. Unlike the other enforcer, Sasha was alert. Her loose limbs and closed eyes were a facade for sharp senses and a waiting, bristling energy that lurked just below the surface. She didn't stir when she heard movements in the bedroom, but the sudden crack of the first gun shot had her leaping to her feet and moving towards the door that separated them, her hand settling on the doorknob before the second shot rang out. As she shoved open the door, Sasha slid into a crouch and brought forth her own gun, sighting down the barrel of an M1911 before the thick cornrows that swayed nearly to her waist had settled. A grunt crawled past her lips as Sasha realized Markus was just warning off potential threats. Standing up with a grace that suggested muscles in places more akin to her wolf form than her human form, Sasha placed her gun back in its holster. The movement of her loose sweater hinted at a large, fixed blade on her hip, but the remainder of her weapons were more discreetly placed. [color=7bcdc8]“Warning would be nice sometimes,”[/color] she complained lightly, moving through the room and out onto the balcony to stand beside the Ulfric. The smell of his gun was thick on the air, but as another gun owner, Sasha was accustomed to the smell. [color=7bcdc8] “What's going on?” [/color] Black eyes roamed over the expansive view before them, nostrils flaring as she took in the more subtle scents that lay beneath the gun powder and smoke.