Vashti was gazing with interested eyes at the dim room inside, the shadows of furniture and the light of a fireplace in the corner. It was a very nice place...... Suddenly, she heard the short yet unmistakable sound of a huffing wolf; the deep threatening rumble of threat. Crap.....she hadn't heard them coming. Body going stiff the hair along Vashti's shoulders bristled and the skin of her muzzle curled upwards. She turned, ever so slowly, towards the sound of the hostile bark and saw a wolf in the distance. Her lips lifted and her canines bared in a low snarl, before she turned to fully face it. Shoulders rolling foreword and ears pinning against her skull Vashti hesitated. She didn't want to hurt anyone.....she was intruding upon their land after all......but she was prepared to defend herself. Throat still rumbling with a defensive growl Vashti stared at the opposing wolf. She weighed the options and pondered her strategy.....but noticed a change in her new acquaintance's stance. It was as if this wolf wasn't as confident as it tried leading her to believe. Vashti could smell the underlying worry. At this she raised her head, lips lowering slightly but her growl remaining strong.