You may post characters directly into the characters section and update them with edits if necessary. Also I will take suggestions to renaming the other factions if you are better with coming up with faction names than me. xD [@knighthawk] Tieflings should be fine then. I'll treat their magic like clerics and paladins. [@VarionusNW] Faction is fine, will add it to faction list. [@Tricheus] Dragons are a little more susceptible to weaponry, but still have very durable scales (Armor won't really be necessary). The can still cast low-medium level spells naturally (round fireball level). Breath weaponry is weaker but still existent. No thumbs, but living around civilization for 30 years has given them access to customized equipment (Tail spikes, equipment pouches, even armor if they actually feel they need it). Size is around a pickup truck at maximum for older dragons, while youthful 'new generation' dragons would be around the size of a bear.