[b][color=fff200][h2]Alaira Taenn[/h2][/color][/b] Alaira was crouched down beside Ssarak, watching the bandits from a bush. She was crouched low, and was the first to arrive at the agreed location. Alaira was surprisingly stealthy when she wanted to be; her usual 'scream and charge' method useless when one had to hunt for food. She was also an excellent tracker, and while the bandits had chosen a good spot, they weren't subtle enough to hide it from her for long. She reached to her neck, frowning. She knew she had left her bow with Meirin, so she had a less risky way to kill anyone that tried to do the same to her or the others, but she had just seemed to keep compulsively checking for it... She listened to Ssarak's words, carefully. She had a lot to make up for, and while she probably wouldn't do just anything he said, she would think things through a little better. Sh had a plan, and it would sound bad at first but she hoped to whatever god was listening at the time that he would accept her suggestion... this was exactly the kind of situation she excelled in, and he'd have to be a fool not to realize it. [color=fff200][b]"No, direct attack's good. These guys are drunk, and lazy."[/b][/color] She whispered, aware of their lack of time. [color=fff200][b]"So we blitz 'em. I attack first, kill that hooded guy, he looks like the leader, then, while they're freaking out, you guys swoop in."[/b][/color] She said, pointing to several places they could enter the fight. [color=fff200][b]"We attack them hard and fast, from different directions, and don't give them a chance to rally, cause as much mayhem as possible. If they're panicking, they're easy pickings..."[/b][/color]