Alright! I'm fresh! The idea I have for my clan are Exorcists, traditional but not so. They do worship one religion akin to Roman Catholic and most of their battles takes place in the Ashen Wilds. Since death is always set by the royal families, this clan of mine would protest, beg to differ and state their opinions and by dealing it with alternative solutions. Hence other clans may find them annoying if not the most annoying due to their constant intervention with smarty/smartass solutions that may come out as forceful. Of course with their sharp tongues, it's no wonder the clan is declining due to barbarian's assaults. As for the religion and deity, hmm I will leave it to you since you might have better ideas. All in all the clan won't be your usual preacher you see everyday in Church. Resource wise, of course with their smarts they are conservative and use whatever resource available. As a whole, I intend them not to be too powerhouse-like since ingenuity and creativity is flexibility and precision is their style both fighting and trivial matters. For my character... kinda too late since what I envisioned for her is quite similar to Dearest lol Here it goes, my character is laid back, has weird habits, mean in a way but for a good cause but not so mean but oh well we'll see it once portrayed. I've been wanting to ask if monster more accurately demons do exist then it is the calling grounds of my clan since it blends well as that is like their way of earning and living. That's all I can say for the meantime.