[b]Disclaimer: #SwearsForDays.[/b] [@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] [color=9932CC][i]'Fuck... no... not now... don't do this to me body! Fucking get up you USELESS piece of FUCKING SHIT!!!'[/i][/color] Nairin internally screamed at herself, however this only helped her vision haze further, making it nearly impossible for her to make out the amount of hollow slowly closing in, ready to finished her off. She tried with all her might to move her body but she couldn't... not even an inch. She was a literal sitting duck and there was nothing she could do about it. [color=9932CC][i]'...H-huh?... Who is that?'[/i][/color] Nairin was watching her imminent death come towards her when blood was suddenly thrown into the air, some of the hollow in front collapsing, but who was causing this? It wasn't until she heard Shinzo's voice did she feel a sense of safety, maybe she'll actually survive this one? Being thrown over Shinzo's shoulder caused spikes of pain shoot throughout her body but Nairin wasn't going to complain, not like she had the energy to speak or even move, she was only able to think... but even that privilege was soon stripped from her when her whole world abruptly went black, her blood leaking and soiling Shinzo's shoulder and half of his upper torso - she was loosing a hell-of-alot of blood. [color=9932CC][b]"Un-n..."[/b][/color] Aching... It felt like her whole body was glued to the bed beneath her as the moment she tried to move, her muscles didn't try to follow, causing an uncomfortable ache to suffocate her body. Wait... she was on a bed? [color=9932CC][b]"Huh?! Where am I?"[/b][/color] Shooting the top half of her body upwards and suffering more aches afterwards, Nairin's memory had finally caught up with her, at which she grit her teeth with her eyebrows pushed together in anger. [color=9932CC][b]"Fuck.... How could I get in such a bad fucking state on my first mission! I'll never get into Squad Eleven at this rate..."[/b][/color] She kicked her legs around to the side of the bed to place her feet onto the floor, completely ignoring her aches this time, but the bandages around her right elbow and lower arm, as well as the one around her left calf was something she couldn't ignore. Lifting her right arm up, she took a good look at the bandage, seemly growing more angrier at the site of it. [color=9932CC][b]"I shouldn't fucking be here in bandages. I should be back out there, fucking fighting."[/b][/color] It was at this moment that Nairin's eyes had travelled absent-mindedly to her chest, as if to subconsciously remind her of something. [color=9932CC][b]"The fucking cloth!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE FUCKING CLOTH!!"[/b][/color] After a rather loud yell that could of been heard from outside of her room, the door swung open as Nairin stomped her way out of the room, ripping the cloth from between her breasts and throwing it into Shinzo's lap once she had spotted him. [color=9932CC][b]"We're going back. The pipsqueak is probably still out there and I'm not going to have her death on my conscious for me being such a fucking weakling! I'm in a good enough state to go and get her then come back so lets fucking move! We don't know how much time she has left."[/b][/color] Nairin was never the type to help someone else, and she still wasn't, but in this case, a death that she didn't want to cause could happen because she couldn't take on a few measly hollows... That's a disgrace she didn't want weighing on her shoulders, even if it meant rescuing someone she didn't care about. As far as Nairin was concerned, she didn't want to be blamed for something she didn't intend to cause. Her body still ached, perhaps more now due to her constant moving, but Nairin hardly ever listened to her body or anyone who tried to stop her before so why would she start now? After all, it was her emotion that drove her, and right now with how furious she was with herself and what had happened, she wasn't going to let a few aches and pains stop her. Of course Squad Four members tried to tell her to go back and rest and that she wasn't strong enough to leave yet, which she responded to with a [color=9932CC][b]"Go fuck yourself"[/b][/color] each and every time. She had already decided that she'd rest later since right now there was a mission still going on and lives at stack due to her stupid mistakes, how the fuck would she be able to rest knowing that? Plus she knew that the Squad Ten Captain would start looking down at her, believing that she was weak for having to be rescued by Shinzo and sent to Squad Four on her first mission... but atleast if she managed to get the pipsqueak back, that was one less thing the Captain would be on her ass about. Nairin will get stronger, she knew she would and she had been in worse situations in the past without having Squad Four's assistance to help her get back on her feet so these flesh wounds meant nothing to her. Now, if the pipsqueak had already come back and her and Shinzo had gone back out there for no reason then although Nairin would be pissed off, she'd atleast feel a small bit of relief knowing that the pipsqueak didn't get killed because of her own mistake and would come straight back to rest. However with what she had remembered seeing during the mission, the pipsqueak's behaviour from before would suggest that she wasn't the 'retreating' type.