[@AbigailTenshi][@Oblivion666][@Pie Flavor] [Center][h3][b][color=177245]Nishi Matsuro[/color] & [color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] As Shinzo waited outside the room Nairin was in he heard her begin to shout...so she was up already...she then came bursting out the room and threw a cloth on his lap which he looked at. He then looked back up at Nairin as she spoke, this caused him to stand up and throw the cloth back at her before he turned his back to her "[color=f26522]You do that...but I haven't got the energy anymore. I'm just going to have to hope she comes back alive...if you were smart you'd lay back down and shut the fuck up...This day has been fucked up enough because of people who wont listen to fucking orders[/color]" Shinzo then clenched his hands into fists before shouting "[color=f26522]SO FUCKING LISTEN FOR ONCE AND LAY BACK DOWN YOU STUPID BITCH![/color]" Shinzo then walked off into the maze of Squad 4 and eventually found somewhere dark and away from people, stepping into the small room he slammed the door behind him then slammed his right fist into the nearest wall "[color=f26522][i]This was such a fuck up...if only I was stronger! I could of helped us all...why am I so fucking weak!?...I feel like an ant around these people! it's almost as if they're trying their hardest to not crush me because of how weak I am...is this how it will always be? will I even get as strong as I want to?[/i][/color]" Shinzo rested his head against the wall as he closed his eyes and grit his teeth... Nishi sat outside looking up at the sky as Yuuki spoke once again yet something suddenly caught her attention...it wasn't so much the shouting that was now coming from the barracks but something else that caused her to spring to her feet, she then looked at Yuuki and Nene and spoke "[color=177245]Could you excuse me a moment? I think I'm needed[/color]" She said this in a warm voice and with a smile on her face before she turned to walk into the Squad 4 barracks. The second she walked around a corner she began looking around frantically. However Nishi soon found what she needed to. A small storage room which she opened the door to seeing Shinzo there on the verge of tears, this sight caused her eyes to widen and quickly she stepped in and closed the door behind her as she spoke in her usual soft voice "[color=177245]S-Shinzo? What's the matter?[/color]" She would have asked why he was here but seeing the state he was in it wasn't the best time... Seeing Nishi arrive Shinzo quickly looked away, not wanting her to see him in this state "[color=f26522]I-It's nothing...[/color]" hearing Shinzo's response Nishi sighed then put her right hand on his back and began rubbing it before speaking "[color=177245]Shinzo...we've known eachother since we were children...I know when something is wrong with you. So let me guess...is it because you think you're weak? How many times are you going to cry over this old story? I've seen it before...I remember this very well. The times when we'd get in trouble and you'd say that you failed to protect me just because you lost a fight...You'd cry even then. Despite your seemingly tough exterior I know how soft you are inside...and you know it to...that's why you hide it. So stop hiding it from me because I can right through you...[/color]" Hearing this Shinzo clenched his fists tighter as the shook a little "[color=f26522]I just want to be strong though...I want to be able to protect the people I care about...I want people to stop looking down on me...but I feel so weak. I can't even go back and help someone in my Squad because I just don't have the strength...I wouldn't even make it there...and so I'm left here just hoping that they don't get themselves killed because I couldn't help them. I didn't want to leave them there Nishi...but I had to make a choice...I had to choose! I had to save the other member of our team...I just wish I was strong enough that I could go back or even have prevented this all from happening![/color]" Hearing this Nishi nodded before speaking "[color=177245]Shinzo...you have to stop living in a dream. You aren't some super man who can do everything and anything...but that's not a bad thing. That's good...it means you care about others and try go the extra mile to do what you can to help them...if you had all this power you want then you'd forget about those you once cared about and focus on becoming the strongest just for the sake of it. The reason you likely aren't going anywhere is because of the fact that your goals seem to oppose eachother. While one focuses on you getting stronger to protect people, the other focuses on getting stronger just so you can be looked at as an equal or greater......but you don't need power to be viewed in that way...You saved someone's life today right? Well I'm sure they are grateful...and even if you left the other person there I'm sure they know their limits[/color]" Shinzo listened as Nishi spoke...and once again she made good points...but the last part made him chuckle a little "[color=f26522]Sorry...I shouldn't laugh in anyway...it's just I don't think she does...that's the thing that worries me. If she knew her limits I wouldn't have to worry...but all I can do now is hope...no doubt I'm going to get shit for leaving her there...from both the Captain and her...but still. I guess there was nothing else I could do at that time...it was impossible for me to stay and fight, the other person would have died then...[/color]" Nishi listened as he spoke...the situation was a difficult one but still "[color=177245]I'm sure if you explain things properly the Captain will understand...[/color]" Shinzo took a deep breath then stood up straight, looking down at Nishi who was barely visible in this dark room "[color=f26522]I guess so...either way things go...I'll just have to deal with it. However Nishi I have a small request.....could you help me with my training? I know you're going to be busy here at Squad 4 but still...I think if I have you there I wont stray from the path I should be taking...[/color]" Nishi nodded then spoke "[color=177245]I'm sure I can find time...someone has to help you anyway. Would probably do you good to have a healer around seeing as you always seem to get yourself into a bad shape...and anyway I can practice my healing so that's always good.[/color]" Nishi then patted Shinzo's back with her right hand before speaking once more "[color=177245]Now I really must go...but don't let this beat you down. You did everything you could...now keep that chin up! Or I'll have to kick your ass myself![/color]" Hearing Nishi speak the way she did made Shinzo laugh a little. "[color=177245]Anyway...Drop by when you next need to train okay? hopefully I wont be busy. I'll see you later Shinzo...and then you can tell me why you became a Shinigami[/color]" Nishi then opened the door and stepped out, looking back at Shinzo with a smile before walking off down the hall. Shinzo stood there a little wide eyed for a moment before speaking silently to himself "[color=f26522]Why I became a Shinigami?...I thought it was obvious...[/color]"