[h3]Vampire Arc[/h3] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfrQgV9mmGMvsQ5nn4aiW1KGhjO8Txs_0Q92G-1qAoK4ukkAdFDg[/img] She lets go,[color=ed1c24] "Dude..You idiot. Calm your blood lust, it's not me who is hungry even though you're turning mine on! It's them that you are turning on."[/color] The vampire girl seems to have shown allegiance with Tsumiki's group, Lin Min Hai is nowhere to be found. The vampires aren't even damaged as they are being powered up by Akira's blood power as the lady vampire state.[color=ed1c24] "You're too slow; that's why I saved your back in the first place, I guess you believe vampires are the usual ones you see in the movies."[/color] Recalling what went down, Tsumiki's group were off guard the whole time, not being alert, rogue vampires started coming their way without notice and on jumped on Akira and this vampire girl saved him. In between this happened after letting him go. [h3]Trivia[/h3] Espers are still human, boosted or not by power; they can get one shotted by vampires if not careful. Sayaka speaks,[color=662d91] "I'm fine. Don't treat me as if I'm a Princess, we need to clear the mountain as I need to set the Feng Shui Barrier. This girl is Sora, she's a vampire ally of ours, no time for introductions. Tsumiki please cover me. Sunye please assist Akira. Silva help me with the barrier, Nadia stay close we need you to anticipate their movements."[/color] A horde of vampires starts coming out from the shadows.[color=ed1c24] "I'll handle this while you get lost, your ability as a Haemikinetisist is absolutely useless."[/color] She said in a mean fashion while she proceeds to smite her own kind. [h3]Nagetenjouki, Cult Arc[/h3] The bra tosser girl with Katana appears to be none other than the invisible girl, Seo... she's quite naked right now. "I thought you were one of them. No time for explanation. And Ray don't look at me, I heard someone screamed let's all group up in one place and can I borrow your clothes? I don't believe this, how can a cult member infiltrate the campus?" She asked Ray. "Actually now's the time for explanation, Ray do you know anything about the Amakusa Church?" [@LokiLeo789]