Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak nodded. [color=f7941d]"That is a valid point; most of them may not be prone to thinking rationally under duress at the moment. Though it may be easier to fight them in groups, it may be risky to wait for them to separate. If we wait, the others may return and we could find ourselves outnumbered by less intoxicated foes."[/color] He reasoned. He still did not like that they were going to be outnumbered regardless, but with a proper plan of attack, they could push the odds more to their favor. [color=f7941d]"Very well, if we are going to attack now, we should plan our attack. As you said, eliminating their leader first would be our best bet. From what directions would you two prefer to strike? For myself, I believe I can surprise them with a high angle of attack. I can back off, then fly up above the trees and use them to hide from their line of sight. Once you attack, their focus will be on you, so I will likely be able to eliminate at least one target without much resistance. If you haven't killed the leader by that point, it would certainly be him. Otherwise, I could focus on the next largest threat."[/color] Ssarak suggested.