Aldo had made quick work of the first chocolate chip cookie and grabbed another when he casually looked toward the sliding glass door and did a double-take when he saw a werewolf he didn't know peeking through the glass and then switching her focus to someone else, who he couldn't see. All he could feel was total certainty that this werewolf was not part of the Odessa Pack. After all, he'd known them before becoming a werewolf. Through the glass, he could hear a very clear growl, making his muscles go rigid and the second cookie disappear in his now-tight jaws. He noticed that the stranger's leg looked injured, and a tiny bit of pity ran through him, but it passed quickly: all that meant was an easier fight for him. He tapped on the glass to get the wolf's attention. He didn't feel much like he had the energy to shift again, but keeping his eye on the possible hostile he grabbed yet another cookie. Even as a human, his lip lifted in a warning snarl. This didn't make it easy for him to eat the cookie, and in fact it probably made him look pretty stupid, but he wouldn't back down. His heart was thudding; he didn't want to go outside and pick a fight and he very much hoped that one of the enforcers would come along and take control of the situation but he [i]knew[/i] that someone was out there who was part of the pack.