[b]Disclaimer: Do you really needed to be reminded of Nairin's bad language? Yeah I didn't think so too.[/b] [@Kurisa] Nairin stood still for the moment Shinzo yelled at her and threw the cloth back. Catching it, Nairin narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance. Although he might of been right, she did still need rest and despite not showing it or paying attention to it, her body had already reached it's limit and screamed for Nairin to go back to bed. But, even though she knew she should listen, like hell would she ever openly agree with someone who spoke to her the way Shinzo did, just when she was trying to be a little more friendly and co-operative with him seeing as he did just save her life. Soon after he had finished yelling at her, he turned around and walked away. This was when Nairin chose to finally speak up, clutching the cloth tightly in her left hand. [b][color=9932CC]"FUCKING FINE THEN! YOU FUCK OFF! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYWAY! I'LL GO BY MYSELF YOU FUCKING PRICK!!"[/color][/b] Turning around herself, Nairin made her way to the door, angrier than before. She left Squad Four, blanking anyone who offered to help her. After walking through the gates, she made her way to the nearest exit of the Seireitei, her aching intensifying however she was much too pissed off to notice. Walking a little distance, Nairin started to slightly limp, feeling the wound on her left leg begin to sting from being so agitated from her stomping. [i][color=9932CC]'Fucking Leg, Fucking Squad, Fucking People, Fucking Captain!'[/color][/i] With her eyes facing straight and eyebrows permanently shoved together, Nairin repeated that one thought in her head, chanting it. She knew she wouldn't be able to make it to the pipsqueak, not in this condition, she didn't even have energy to waste on Shunpo-ing. None-the-less, that didn't stop her from walking in the general direction of the Hollow nest, entering the woods. She walked for quite a while but was no where near her destination, she couldn't even sense anything. Her left leg became more painful with each step, causing her to limp alot more and have to swing her arms a little to hoist her body forward. It came to the point where she had calmed down enough to realise how useless her efforts were. Limping into a small grassy opening in the foresty area, Nairin fell forward and let go of the Captain's cloth, deciding not to stop herself from hitting the floor dead-on. She just laid there for a little bit, moving her face to the right and resting her left cheek on the ground, staring off into the gaps between trees within her sight path with an empty mind, only breathing. [color=2F4F4F][i]'Heheh, look at you, what a disgrace of a Shinigami you are.'[/i][/color] A voice entered her mind, one that she had only recently started hearing but regretting ever letting enter her being. Nairin's fists clenched at the voice that pierced another spike of anger through her heart. The laughing... the mocking tone... all added fury to Nairin's slowly growing inner inferno. Gritting her teeth, the woman tried her best to ignore it, until it returned. [color=2F4F4F][i]'You need help don't you? You want someone to allow you to be as weak as you are and do the job you're meant to do, isn't that right?'[/i][/color] A growl emitted from Nairin's throat. She had to retort, she couldn't stay quiet and let them talk to her like that. [color=9932CC][b]"Shut The Fuck Up. I Don't Need Any Fucking HELP!"[/b][/color] With each word Nairin added emphasis, showing her anger and sounding menacing before yelling the last word. [color=2F4F4F][i]'Hahah! If that's right then why are you laying on the ground bleeding huh? Stop lying to yourself. You know you're weak. And without me, you'd be nothing~ HmhmHAHAHA!'[/i][/color] The voice spoke up again, further making Nairin's blood boil. Turning her body over, Nairin looked up at the Sky with a furious expression, but instead of responding, she chose to keep her mouth shut this time. She didn't need help!... But they were right, why was she on the ground bleeding then? Well, she was weak, that much had become very apparent to her recently... but even knowing that, she'd never want help with anything. [b][color=9932CC]"What do you want?"[/color][/b] Nairin tried to stay calm, she tried not to think since she knew if she did she'd only cause herself more harm than good. [color=2F4F4F][i]'Hm? No swearing? Looks like you're slowly growing up then. I'm glad you finally agree with me. And what I want is simple, I want you to speak my name again, release me.'[/i][/color] Nairin tutted at this and looked to her left. [color=9932CC][b]"No."[/b][/color] She grumbled, immediately shooting down the request. [color=2F4F4F][i]'Heh, still stubborn I see. I could of helped you if you had released me during that mission. What happened is all your fault, all because you didn't want to sacrifice what? A little fun for yourself? Your foolish pointless Pride? You have alot to learn. You're lucky I'm sticking around.'[/i][/color] Nairin really didn't want speak to them about this right now, especially not as the weight of the failed mission began dragging her spirit down. She wanted to succeed and show just how strong of a fighter she was, but clearly she thought way too much of herself, not that she'd ever admit that. [color=9932CC][b]"Well why do you stick around?! Tell how to get rid of you and I'll give you to someone else then!! Let them deal with your shit!"[/b][/color] Silence. The voice had vanished and the feeling of someone's energy looming over her, watching her had disappeared along with it... Only now she had noticed this feeling since it had left. Finally sitting up, Nairin looked to her left, her sheaved Zanpakuto strapped to her hip. [color=9932CC][i]'You make no fucking sense.'[/i][/color] Reaching to grasp the hilt with her right hand, she felt heat admit from it, quite abit of heat, or perhaps that was her imagination. With her eyes widened a touch from the sensation, Nairin removed her hand from the hilt and looked at it. Her palm was quite red in comparison to her other, but that could of been from her clenching her fists too tightly before or something. Shaking her head rid of useless thoughts, Nairin sat still in silence, closing her eyes before drawing her legs inwards to cross them. Both of her arms rested on her knees, palms facing upwards before she straightened her back. Since she needed rest and was in a pretty quiet and secluded area, might as well meditate for a short while to work on sharpening her senses.